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LA Region E30 M3 Get-Together

There's nothing like a pair of EVO III spoilers

On October 10th, 1999 the LA Region of the BMW CCA had it's first E30 M3 "Get-Together". The event was organized by David Boen and Sam Nakawatase, both E30 M3 owners from LA. We had about 15 cars show up and everyone had a tremendous time, despite the 100°+ heat 8^) Plans are in the works to organize another get-together.

Hopefully next time some of the LA E30 M3 owners who could not make it to this event will be able to attend. Some people had to work, others were at a club race etc...

There are a lot of E30 M3's in LA. Jim Butterworth made the joke that living in LA the question is not "How many E30 M3'sare there in this city?" but rather "How many E30 M3's are there in my Zip Code!"

All in a Row...

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